I met Brittney through social media by way of Auburn University #WarEagle! She reached out to me to do a Boudoir session after I posted a photo from a shoot I did several years ago. I've done a few in the past, and have noticed the positive effect they have on women. This is why I call them "Empowerment Shoots". I believe we as women struggle immensely with our bodies and self-image. An empowerment session can give you the opportunity to see yourself in a more positive light. Exactly as you are. No photoshop required. These shoots are super fun and a cute way to celebrate your womanhood.
The session was an absolute blast. It took place in the morning and Brittney had mimosas and snacks for a light breakfast. Hints to future clients. Hehe! I totally suggest anything that will help to lighten you up. Below I've added just a few images from our shoot. We shot this on the last Friday of the year! As you can tell Brittany has a gorgeous spirit and an impeccable interior design taste. I can't thank her enough for such a fun shoot. It was definitely one of my favorites. Next time I'm going to have to capture the interior of her home!